Feb 28, 2021


But Responding To This Self Evident State Of Contempt

Leads Assuredly To Discontent

Seeing People Proud Of Their Consent

Is Bound To Lead To Such A Lament

The Temptation To Resubmit

Compelled By The Requisite

Of The Need To Provide

The Basic Necessities To Survive

Via The Machinery Of This Lie

But Running Away Isn't

Conducive To Owning It They Say

So Then What Remains But A

Willingness To Confront This Face

With A Reflection Of It's Disgrace

But This Mirror Of Madness To

Express The Sadness

Becomes The Moon As It Reflects The Sun

A Neglected Light Of Nothingness

Tortured As The One



Without The Sun

It Would Be None

But The Light Of The Night

Is The Honest One



1. For the remainder of the year add each full moonrise to your calendar.

2. Fast on each of these days.

3. Orient these days around watching the moonrise and don't allow any other engagement to get in the way.

4. Carefully watch the moonrise and reflect on its significance as metonymy.

5. Share your experiences on this page.

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