I Don't Know ... But I also Do Know

I Don't Know ... But I also Do Know

Dec 31, 2024

Isn't that a confusing statement? Welcome to my world where I know some things but I also don't know some things. For example, I know with all of my being that we are connected to one larger consciousness. This could be called the spiritual brain, the awakened brain, and to be honest, I never had a word for it - I don't like labels.

I try not to use labels but often find that labels help me share something with others in a way that helps them comprehend what I am saying or something like that. So today, as I use some labels that are given by our ancestors or whatnot, just know what I'm sharing is flowing from my mind to my fingertips naturally.

The last few messages on here, I had used AI to help me share what i wanted to share, but today, I wanted to do this all from my heart and soul. So, hello there! Welcome to my update that flew in and had to be shared ...

There are plenty of things in this life that I don't know, but I also know. I gave an example above, but I think the way we maintain this level of trust - the knowing part - and a level of Faith - that also does not know part - is how we live a fulfilling life. A little blend of autism with some ADHD is what I like to call it if you have to give it a label. Have you heard of AUDHD? Go look, it's seriously such a fitting label for me if I were to bring forth a label 🤷‍♀️😜 But I am not ... soooooo

What is it that helps me KNOW but also not know? Yet, still have this strong Faith and conviction about the "not knowing" part, or as the middle of the kids I birthed call it ..., the "mythical belief system." Yes, I believe in MAGIC, my friends, and I know it to be a source of our energy that gives us this childlike life.

It really does.

I live this life every day feeling like a young child so full of energy and light that i am busting at the seams to share ti with anyone I pass. I showed up at church last week with a huge smile on my face. I am often smiling, but I sensed this smile was larger than my normal, and a man in the truck next to us seemed to need that smile. He smiled each time our eyes met. He was there with his partner or friend, or I am not sure which. If I had guessed, I would have said his wife. He made me realize that sometimes all we need to do is smile that natural big, light-full smile at our fellow community members.

Smile at those who are grumpy today. Smile at those who feel awkward, you know, the ones who look hesitant or unsettled; smile bigger for those humans in our world. Smile, and the world smiles back.

To be honest, the world does not always smile back, but God Source does. Now, don't get all caught up again in a LABEL because God means many things to each of us. I have never heard to preach what a word should mean to you or what words you should use; follow your intuition. I am merely here as a guide to share my thoughts using my healing hands to help others.

And so .... that ends my thoughts that came to me this morning. I don't know if they make any sense, but I am confident that I KNOW God sent me to write these words right here for someone out there.

I hope this was just the thing that YOU needed to read today and I hope they help you in some small way (or big way) today on New Year's Eve ... 2024.

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