This was an action-packed year for me as a writer. I have published my second book roughly 8 months after my debut, tried to navigate the turbulent waters of marketing and strove to connect with a rich and varied community of book lovers such as myself. I even joined a writers’ group! Imagine that! Not everything was great in this year’s journey though, and some of the lessons I learned were l...
2024 Recap
Jan 09, 2025
Being an indie can be downright daunting. You need to write the book, edit the book (whether or not you can afford an editor), proofread, organise a cover, write the blurb, plan the promo, while at the same time engage with fellow writers and readers on non-book posts, think about posts for different platforms and audiences… Panting… Yet sometimes you need to breathe. Y...
Take a deep breath
Jan 09, 2025