Hi lovely supporters,
Somatic Yoga is back at The Yoga Tree this week, 6-7pm on Monday evening. Do come and join us as we start a new series called 'Move into Joy'. We'll be practicing somatic and yin yoga to help relieve built up tension and soreness tomorrow. You can book your slot here. Or join online by booking here.
I am also teaching a couple of classes next weekend. I'll be leading a one hour 'Nourish' yoga class on the theme of Ahimsa (non-violence) on Saturday morning at 9.30am online for Journey to Wellness. If you're not familiar with Journey to Wellness and the incredible Rebekah Ballagh who runs it I highly recommend you check out her website or watch this lovely interview she did with me. You can buy a class-pass for the session here.
I am also looking forward to seeing a few familiar faces at the Flow into Wellness day retreat with Lynn Fellingham on Sunday. I'll be leading an hours session on Somatic Yoga and answering your questions. You can find out more and book the whole retreat day here.
How did you get on with the seven days of meditation on YouTube? I'd love to hear which meditation was your favourite. There will be no class on YouTube on Monday this week as I need to get back into the studio to film new content, but you can expect a yin yoga class and a short psoas themed class using some of the moves from Soma coming soon. In the meantime, why not find ten minutes to try this little practice - for some reason it didn't get any love from the algorithm but it's honestly one of my favourites!
Wishing you all a lovely week,