Classes this week

Jul 22, 2024

Hi everyone

I hope you had a lovely weekend, and maybe you feel ready to join me for a little practice this week?

Have you checked out today's new YouTube class yet? This one is a yoga therapy class for pelvic floor recovery and pain relief, perfect for anyone wanting to strengthen your pelvic floor or relieve pain in the area. You just need a wall space and a comfy mat and pillow for your head:

If you fancy joining me for a live class you have a few options this week!

Hour of Calm (Somatic Yoga) is on tonight in The Yoga Tree at 6pm. Today's class will be all about gentle pain relief - we'll start with some guided meditations then move through a nice flowey sequence before coming to rest in a yin yoga sequence targeting hips and upper back. Do join us in studio or request online access by 5pm. Book here:

I'm also in the Peak three times this week (!) covering for Yvonne and Louise. I'll be there today at 4pm with a full mobility sequence - some of my fav join mobilisation exercises and a bit of core strength and balance too. I'll be back on my birthday on Thursday at 4pm again, and on Friday morning at 9.30. If you aren't a Peak member you can still buy a drop-in pass but the classes book up quickly so you might want to get a wiggle on if you fancy any of those slots.

Finally, I'm running an online workshop this Wednesday at 1pm on Trauma and the Body. You can join by buying me a coffee or two and putting Trauma workshop in the message, and I'll send you the link and replay:

Don't forget, if you would like to join my two hour somatic yoga workshop Soma on 10th August at 4pm in The Yoga Tree you can book here:

Much love


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