"It may well be that we live in an epoch in which the bookshop is an institution suspended between 'the dying old society' and the 'society struggling to be born.'" - sociologist Edward Shils Oh, friends...I have been trying to get this post written for an embarrassingly long time. There is much that I need to convey to all of you who have so graciously donated and shared with us in myriad ways (f...
So...now what? Evermore learning.
Mar 01, 2024
580 перегляди
Hello – for those I haven’t met yet, my name is Dawn Daniels, and I am the owner and manager of Ballyhoo Books and Brew here in downtown Alma, Michigan. I have been advised – wisely so – that videos like this should be short, to the point, and aspirational. I will do my best. Please be assured that a more detailed written narrative of our story will be made available as we proceed through ...
Video #1 Text: Invest in Us
Oct 26, 2023
69 перегляди