How Music Promotes Brain Development in ...

How Music Promotes Brain Development in Babies?

Jul 06, 2023

Who doesn’t like listening to music? Everyone likes listening to music while traveling, exercising, or doing nothing. But do you know that music can help brain development in babies? Stage right? People often keep the home silent when they have babies around. But strangely, music can help in better brain development. A documentary called Brain Matters explains the science behind this thing. Music can change a lot of things; this is not just a saying but has a powerful meaning. 

What happens when you play music around your baby?

Neuroscience says that music has a long-lasting positive effect on babies' brains. A study from the Institute of Learning and Brain Science shows that after listening to music, babies' auditory and prefrontal cortexes look different. These are brain regions that are responsible for music and speech. Listening to music also helps in growing personality traits. When the young kid interacts with others, he will feel more happy and relaxed.

Playing music vs listening to music

Listening to music has a great impact on a kid's brain and behavior. You can listen to some good music on and help the brain development of your kid. Listening to music shows a positive brain response whereas making music is much more powerful. When you make music, you require different skills like good motor skills, mathematical precision, creativity, and linguistics. Due to this, making music can help in boosting several areas of the brain. Getting into a skill means creating a bridge between two hemispheres of the brain. Due to this, messages transfer easily in the brain using different routes.

From research to practice

All this evidence shows that listening to music can help kids to get smarter. Graham Welsh says “We see the impact of literacy, physical development, gross motor coordination, fine motor skill, and emotional development.” Graham Welsh is a famous British neuroscientist who studies young children’s brains. Schools feel that they need to focus on literacy as everyone notices the outcomes. But music is different; it can unlock the child’s path to learning differently. Listening to music can boost confidence and improve language skills. 

Merits of music for your kid

  1. When a kid is exposed to music, his brain changes. You can see lots of positive changes in his behavior and learning skills.

  2. Music can improve mood. If your kid often cries; try to play music around him. Play music that feels soothing. 

  3. Music can help in reducing stress levels. People may wonder how a kid can have stress. The meaning of stress is different for kids. But your kid can also face stress. Play music with lots of joyful sounds. You can also play sad or romantic songs; these should help the kids to understand emotions. 

  4. Listening to music can stimulate the formation of essential brain chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. When these brain chemicals are released, the brain feels more relaxed. You may see gestures like sharing toys, empathizing, and trusting others. 

  5. Music can improve concentration skills and productivity. When a kid listens to music, he tries to understand it and tries to sing along. It helps to boost the concentration power of the brain.

  6. Listening to music can improve learning and grades. If your kid often listens to music, you will see better grades. Music requires all essential skills. When a kid listens to music, he tries to get more of this. This skill also helps in school with better learning and good grades.

  7. Music can develop spatial intelligence. You may find many people who are into music and performing well in areas like engineering, architecture, computer science, etc. Music can develop special skills to create something different. Due to this, you can find better spatial intelligence in kids who listen to music.

  8. Listening to music can improve vocabulary. Your kid learns your language while listening to you. He tries to understand your words with your gestures. When he listens to music, he tries to understand and pronounce them well. It can be very helpful in improving vocabulary. You may have seen kids understand different languages when their parents often play different country music. 

Some research shows that music can also play a good role in brain development before birth. Listening to soothing music during pregnancy not only boosts the mood of the pregnant woman but also has a good influence on the unborn baby. The little human listens to his very first sound at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, the ears start developing rapidly. You may see babies turning their heads in response to noises and voices in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Baby can recognize the mother’s voice, word patterns native language, and even rhymes. The pregnant woman should listen to classical music, gentle sounds, nice melodies, etc for better child development.

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