Four pictures that each tell a story

Four pictures that each tell a story

Jul 22, 2022

I take many photos every day but share only a fraction of these. Deciding which ones illustrate, or even tell, a story is never easy. 

Here is an example of four photos that I took during a recent walk on the Camino Francés; all taken just seconds apart but each of them tells a different story.

image The first one shows one of the impressive hollow roads of Galicia. It was such a special experience to walk day after day in this landscape, and on routes where millions of pilgrims have walked before me. 

image A few steps further, I noticed a cross carved into the wall. And then I saw the dozens of smaller crosses on the same stone. 

image Then I looked at the pile of messages, cards and pictures that previous pilgrims had left behind. I have seen many of these before on the Camino; for instance, in churches or trees. 

image And the story that each photo tells becomes different again when I zoomed in further. Suddenly I looked into the eyes of people that have passed, I read names and dates, and feel the love and sadness of other pilgrims for their lost loved ones. I have seen pilgrims stop at these places, read the cards and say a prayer for people they have never met.

The solidarity on the Camino with individual challenges of others, and even people we have never met, is something I will always remember.

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