I wanted to share a simple Buddhist meditation practice as a response to what is going on right now in the world with the seeming increase in suffering and stress being experienced by all.
This is a very powerful Buddhist meditation practice called Tonglen. Which means "taking and giving" and involves some visualization as well.
It involves a unique approach to compassion where you breathe in the suffering of others and breathe out love and healing.
To practice Tonglen meditation, find a quiet and comfortable space.
Take a comfortable seated position with your spine vertical to the earth.
Lengthen the back of the neck by dropping the chin slightly towards the earth and softly close your eyes. Place your hands on top of your knees with the palms facing the sky and bring your thumb and first finger tips together.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.
Then, visualize someone who is suffering or going through a difficult time. As you inhale, imagine taking in their pain, suffering, or negative emotions.
As you exhale, imagine sending them love, healing, and positive energy.
Repeat this process for as long as you feel comfortable.
Tonglen meditation is important for personal and collective progress because it helps cultivate empathy, compassion, and interconnection. By acknowledging and embracing the suffering of others, we develop a deeper understanding of our shared humanity.
This practice not only benefits the individuals we focus on but also contributes to creating a more compassionate and harmonious world.
Wishing All beings blessings and happiness without the side-effects!
~ A
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And a little crypto and tech to spare.